Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Loving Life

      My sweet Olivia is now two months old... time is flying by! Our little family of three is doing great and we are settling into a routine. I've even been back at the gym which I never thought I would be excited about but I am. Over the last 9 weeks I have become VERY used to being off and I am not excited about going back to work May 2nd...but bills have to be paid so Hi Ho Hi Ho off to work I go. Ben has been doing good too... he's excited about getting his sling off this week so he can hold and take care of the baby... good thing because he is going to be watching her the days I work!

    Olivia had her two month check up last week; she got her shots and I cried right along with her... she weighed 10lbs 15oz... growing perfect:) She loves to be held and she is smiling and cooing all the time now and it just melts my heart... such a sweetheart! I am very thankful and very lucky she sleeps great at night now, she usually goes to bed about 8-8:30 and will sleep to anywhere between 4-7am! I took her to see the Easter bunny on Good Friday and we had a nice Easter dinner at my dad's house.

                                                                      Good Friday

     Other than that things are pretty quiet here... just becoming good friends with Dave Brown, the local weather man, as he tells us where the daily tornado warning is. I think we need to decorate our hall closet so we have something interesting to look at... but thankfully we have stayed safe! I'm looking forward to all the May flowers these April showers should bring:)