Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall is in the Air

  Even though it's still warm outside most days... it is cooling off and I have really enjoyed wearing jeans again! Next up is sweater weather...yay! I had to go buy Olivia some more clothes... she is now in 9months clothes... can fit into some 12month sizes... but when it got cooler I realized she didn't have much of a fall or winter wardrobe. No need to worry about that anymore... between me, Aunt Chris and Grandma.... she is all set! Spoiled little thing that she is doesn't hurt for a thing:)

  She is now 7 months old... still no teeth... but I love that toothless smile... it just melts my heart!! Most things have now been moved because Olivia is an expert army crawler and is excellent at doing the down dog yoga pose... which Ben called the upper dog today... made me laugh! She is a determined little thing... keeps her eye on what she is going after while she grunts her way across the floor. I'm not sure how much she is weighing these days... but I can tell you she's growing... my guess is around 17lbs maybe?? I am very excited for next month... she is going to be a watermelon for Halloween.... it is THE cutest costume! Last month I mentioned that she may have to be a pirate for Halloween because the pediatrician said her eyes were not following equally.... but we went to the eye doctor and she said she looks great... thank God:) A few weeks ago we started the First Time Mom's group at church which has been wonderful. Other first time moms and their babies get together for fellowship and a bible study and it is so sweet to watch Olivia play with other babies.

Olivia and her friends

  A few weeks ago we had pictures made of Olivia... April Hurdle... did an awesome job!! Now I have to figure out which pictures I am going to buy... I look through them everyday and I'm still trying to decide.... I told someone I could easily have a shrine dedicated to Olivia... but I will hold back:) It is hard to pick though.

  I take a picture of my own every month on the 21st to mark her "monthly birthdays." She is such a squirmy girl these days I had such a hard time this month... I was laughing so hard because she was looking at me like I was ruining her life by trying to make her sit still for a picture... this girl has places to go!!

As you can see... she's not impressed this time:)