Saturday, April 21, 2012

14 Months!

   Again, I'm a little behind..... but Miss Busy Bee is 14 months old today! Olivia is such a happy girl... and changing everyday! She babbles constantly.... says a few words.... a version of mamamamama, dada, uh oh!, bubbles, and bye. Everything else is some version of her own language but she says the same sentence with the same inflections over and over again.... I just wish I knew what it was! Dancing is another favorite... she loves music... just bounces and bobs her head as soon as any sort of music comes on. Just this week she learned to spin in circles too while dancing.... I love it!!! Hmmm... what else... we introduced bubbles.. which she adores... loves to stand at the back door and point at the bubbles sitting on the shelf.  Livvi also has three new teeth... and loves to bite down if you stick your hand in her mouth:) Last weekend, Olivia learned which button to push on the TV remote turn it on.... I could not believe it.... I let her watch a few things on our Netflix list... and her absolute favorite is Blue's Clues. She just sits and stares at it the whole time.... so now I get to sing the silly songs in my head all the time. But I love every minute of it! Olivia is such a blessing and a joy and keeps us entertained daily!!

Silly Girl

                                     Sometimes Easter egg hunts are emotionally exhausting

Livvi' new Easter book
