Monday, March 25, 2013

Nora Jayne is Here!!!

        My life was wonderfully changed again on March 15, 2013 at 9:54am! Nora Jayne Hetzler made her appearance at that moment. I was in love at first sight... she is a beautiful, precious baby girl.

6lbs 12 oz

   Although I have been through this before it is still so surreal to be a patient. I am used to being on the other side working as a nurse so it is so difficult to let go of all control (not that I have control as a nurse either... but you know what I mean.) Ben and I arrived at the hospital at 7:30am for my scheduled c-section. I was prepped for surgery and when my doctor arrived we went to the OR to deliver my sweet girl. I was extremely nervous about the delivery and having surgery... but I focused on God and knew I was in good hands... plus I had the best people taking care of me too! Everything went smoothly and I was in and out of the OR in no time. Of course I cried as soon as I heard her cry... it truly is the most amazing sound in the world!

leaving the OR with my precious cargo

   The next day Olivia came to visit us at the hospital to meet her baby sister. The moment she saw her she said, "Hi baby!" She was sitting on my bed while I was helping her hold Nora and she leaned down and gave her a kiss. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen! My heart was and is filled with so much joy. We went home on St. Patty's Day to start our life as a family of four. Olivia has been very interested in "baby" and wants to help with everything. While she seems to love her baby sister, Olivia is still trying to adjust to this big change. She has definitely been testing our patience and Ben and I are trying our best to be understanding. Tomorrow we are going to take her out by herself to do something fun....not sure what that is yet since the weather has been so cold!! I'm sure over the next few weeks she will adjust.

Olivia giving Nora a kiss... melted my heart.. which is why my face is so silly

checking out her baby sister

One week old!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Pregancy with Nora

   As usual I have been slacking in keeping up with the blog department. I'm pretty sure I begin every blog with a version of this sentence... but I'm trying. As I looked back at my previous posts I realized I haven't posted a thing since I was around 23 weeks! Well.... today I am 39 weeks and 2 days.... and my c-section is scheduled in 2 days... March 15th!!!!! I absolutely can not wait to meet this baby girl. Nora is so much more active than Olivia, which is scary because I thought she was a big mover.. I may be in trouble with this one:) I love watching my belly move, it is such a joy and a miracle. Although I have been uncomfortable lately and ready to deliver, I will miss being pregnant. It is just amazing to me that a human can grow and move inside of me. I have had a normal pregnancy which I am so thankful for. Olivia is going to be such a good big sister, she loves babies and I'm sure she is going to want to help a lot! In the beginning she always said "yeah" when we asked her if she wanted to be a big sister. Then I think she realized something was going to take some attention away from her because for several months she would yell "noooo" if we said anything about a sister. Well, out of the blue last week she began saying "yes, baby sister." I sure am glad to hear those words! We have everything all ready for Nora at home... at least as ready as we can be. I am nervous about having another c-section but I am praying every day about my anxiety and I know it is all in God's hands. So, hopefully the next blog wont be when she's turning 1.... I will do my best to send out an update soon! Our family of three will soon be four!
Nora's bedding.. it's hard to see but those are her initials on the wall

26 weeks 4 days

30 weeks!

34 weeks 3 days... getting bigger!

38 weeks 2 days... I've been told I'm huge:)

Cant wait to meet Nora Jayne Hetzler!!!!

Olivia's 2nd Birthday!!

    So my baby girl (yes, I still say baby) turned 2 on February 21!! I cant believe how fast time has flown. She has turned into such a beautiful, independent, strong willed, funny, silly little diva. Olivia is in to picking out her own clothes and dressing herself now.... she does a good job getting dressed... matching is another story:) She is definitely a girl who likes to make her own decisions.... hmmm... no clue where that came from.. hehe. For her birthday party we just had family over... being 37 weeks pregnant I just wasn't up for throwing a big shindig. She still got lots of love and presents and had a great time at her party. Aunt Chris bought her a ball pit and she loves it! Mommy just loves picking up all the balls in the playroom all the time... insert sarcasm here.... but since Olivia loves it so much I guess it can stay. Along with the ball pit she got new "hellos" which is her word for phone, clothes, very small drum set, a baby doll, baby doll pack n play and car seat, etc and some oh so cute pink converse! The girl still loves her shoes and has been known to even wear them to bed at night:) Here are just a few pics from the party.